Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Starting Out!

Hello friends and welcome to my first blog! I was inspired to do this by my awesome friend Ryan, who started her own blog a few weeks ago. I was always under the impression that blogs are people's online version of a diary or journal, and I never started one because I've had about 30 diaries in my life that never made it past two pages. It wasn't because I don't like talking about myself, because everyone does to some degree (don't lie to yourself). I just have found something I'd rather talk about way more...history!

Yep, I'm going write about history. Before you run for the hills, I'm not going to drone on about dates or boring facts in my blogs. I'm going to start each blog with a new history topic and I'm going to blow your minds with all the amazing things the topic has to offer. I get it--history can be stupid boring. I've heard it from many, many "math and science" people. I'm simply going to make it not-boring.

There's a million things your history teachers never told you that I will. You also may find yourself thinking, "Yeah, cool story, but so what?" Well, in addition to spreading the historic love, I'm going to give my perspective on how relevant that history is today.

All the information I throw at you is from books, textbooks, and a string of great professors and teachers I've had. If you find that I'm wrong about something, please correct me.

Since it's my first blog (and 3 in the morning...?), I won't be writing about anything until later. When I do, I hope you will enjoy reading my blog just as much as I enjoy writing it.
